complete canine dog puppy training burleson texas

About Us

Meet The Trainer

Jimmy Nikolopoulos has a long history of training dogs. He has trained dogs for the military, worked with professional athletes’ pets, and helps regular dog owners with the most basic skills of getting their dog to walk on a leash. He is the founder of Complete Canine and says he trains the owner as much as the dog. He uses classical conditioning, a time-trusted method of training. He is so good that he can train a Malinois, a dog with a strong protective nature that is very active, to sit calmly in the stands of a professional baseball game.

Complete Canine is designed to best meet the needs of the family and the dog. The most common service has Jimmy going to a client’s house to do regular training sessions. They learn in their own environment and the owners learn as well so the behaviors continue long after Jimmy’s work is done. Another option Jimmy offers is a board and train in his home. The dog is raised and trained for a period of time in a home with a family and other dogs. He only accepts a small number of dogs each month and those spots tend to fill up quickly. In whatever option they choose, the difference owners can see in their dog is amazing, even if they thought it was impossible. Jimmy also regularly offers leash training for the community, giving people who can’t commit to long-term training a basic and practical resource.

About Us

Our Vision and Philosophy

Our Vision

To expand knowledge and understanding for dog owners on what dogs need to be happy, healthy, and lifelong members of their family. With a focus on an innovative ‘game-based’ positive reinforcement training system and education, we help dogs to be better understood. Our ultimate goal is to strengthen our human-canine connection, enabling these beloved companions to thrive within their forever homes.

Our Philosophy

Dogs always do their best based on how they're taught and the situations they're in. This belief is at the heart of our company's vision and Jimmy’s mission – working with people nationwide to make dogs' lives happier and more positive.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us. We will reach out to you within 24 hours

Contact Information

Jimmy Nikolopoulos


Phone: 817-975-2339

Social Media Links